These days, sustainability is all around us. Everyone we know is experimenting with a sustainable lifestyle and paying more attention to their impact on the environment. Maybe you've been living sustainably for a while now, or maybe you're just looking for a way to get started. Either way, adjusting your eating habits is a simple and easy way to reduce your carbon footprint!
Shop Locally and Seasonally
Eating sustainably starts with purchasing sustainably. Look around your area for local farmer’s markets! Shopping locally helps you understand exactly how the food is grown or where it comes from before it gets to your table. Chances are, your local farmers use more ethical and environmentally-friendly methods than larger farms.
Shopping seasonally allows for a more natural way of eating. It can sound confusing, but simply put, it means buying foods that are in season. This means eating fruits like watermelon more in the summer and saving root vegetables and fruits like pomegranate for the winter. Shopping seasonally supports nature’s natural production cycle, and even helps your wallet.
More Plants, Less Meat
While you may not be ready to go completely vegan, even taking a small step in that direction can count! Eating more plants contributes to decreased deforestation as well as reduced freshwater withdrawals. In addition to their reduced footprint on the environment, plant-based diets are also proven to be healthier and more beneficial for your body, making them a win-win. The meat industry has long been a major factor in carbon emissions, with livestock accounting for around 15% of human-induced emissions. Help reduce this impact by making the simple choice to eat more plants and cut back on meat!
Cut Down on Food Waste
Food waste is said to cause 50% of household waste. Imagine all the energy and water put into that food, all for it to be wasted. The first aspect of cutting down on food waste is to buy only what you need. Rather than buying in bulk and obtaining too much food that you’ll eventually waste, opt for a smaller size. This also allows you to think more about what you are consuming. Additionally, make sure you store food properly! Airtight containers are super helpful for this and can help you store all kinds of foods, helping them last longer. Lastly, use your leftovers! Whether you simply eat them as a snack or try out a new recipe with them, it is better than disposing of them.
Consider Packaging
Though we’ve heard it a million times, thinking about how food is packaged before purchasing it can have an impact on your carbon footprint. Consider: is the product packaged in a plastic container, or wrapped in plastic? Can the packaging be reused in any way? Glass jars and plastic bags are great items that can be easily reused and repurposed.
Energy-efficient Appliances
When we consider how we can eat more sustainably, we often overlook how we can cook more sustainably. Making use of energy-efficient appliances makes all the difference in sustainable eating. Here are a couple you can start using!
Crock pots and other slow cookers: designed to save energy
Chest refrigerators: keep the cold air inside the fridge, even when you open it
Induction cooktops: more efficient than coal or gas stoves
Good Luck!
Just implementing these five simple tips and habits can make your kitchen a central part of your sustainable lifestyle.
To learn more about sustainable living, check out our other blogs! While you’re here, don’t forget to contribute towards our goal of planting 1000 trees this June for World Environment Day! Visit our “Support Us” page to learn more.